Kim ChanMonique (Intake 019)

One of the best decisions I made was to join the ELBBL program. ELBBL course and the Jesup Competition have shaped the way I think and how I advocate for the causes I believe in, where in the courtroom or in everyday life. After all, to speak with authority is not to state what the rules are but to explain why they are what they are. It has further empowered me to know that we as a small group of people can achieve big things. These achievements could only be cherished with hardworking individuals whom I considered my lifelong friends. From critical discussions with my peer in the classroom to the immense support from the teachers, alumni, and staff, ELBBL has truly feel like a close-knit community to me.

Kim ChanMonique (Intake 019)

List of Elective courses (Subject to Availability)

*Students can opt for International Humanitarian Moot, International Commercial Arbitration Moot or Jessup Moot. The allocation is subjected to first come, first serve basis

** Elective course is subjected to availability

Seminar Topics (Subject to Availability)

Each seminar brings in academics, legal practitioners and/or experts in the field to present or provide a guest lecture on a specific topic or issue.

List of Elective Courses (Subject to Availability)